Camilia is an acknowledged oriental dancer and teacher.
She learned from the biggest Arabic, European and American authorities in the field of raqs sharky & arabic folklore.
She has performed in Belgium, Holland, Russia, the USA, Morocco, Italy, Slovenia, Austria, the Czech Republic, Germany and Cyprus.
Her latest artistic achievements include:
• Gold medal champion in Show solo III Eastern European Oriental Championship in Lublin/Poland (by Russian League of Bellydance Masters)
• Gold medal champion in category Candidates for Professionals III Eastern European Oriental Championship in Lublin/Poland (by Russian League of Bellydance Masters)
• Gold medal champion in Duets Rada Bogusławska III Eastern European Oriental Championship in Lublin/Poland (by Russian League of Bellydance Masters)
• participation in the grand Holland tour of Bellydance Evolution (28 performances throughout Holland) 2013
• participation in Bellydance Evolution in Miami 2013
• director of “East Side Story” oriental dance show, which premiered in June 2013 in Warsaw
• winner of People’s Choice Award Bellydance Evolution in Miami (USA) 2013
• winner of a competition with live music – Miss Belly Dance of Europe – Berlin 2012
• Third Prize winner of solo competition of Russia belly dance Championship – Moscow 2012
• Second Prize as a duet with Zaina during Russia belly dance Championship – Moscow 2012
• participation in Bellydance Evolution: performances in Marocco, Germany, Slovenia, the Czech Republic and Italy 2012
• 2nd Runner Up of 2011 Miss Belly Dance of Europe (Bazar Oriental – Berlin); also with Camibellis group with her choreography
• Winner of Nova Orient 2012, group show.
• with Camibellies group with her choreography: winner of 2011 Nova Orient in the category of classical oriental dance groups
• Winner of solo-oriental at the 2010 Nova Orient Festival
• Second Prize in 2010 Belly Dance World Cup contest Cyprus League of Belly Dance Masters
• Second Prize in solo contest of 2009 Oriental Nova Orient

Camilia has also experience of organizing big cultural events and oriental shows, including:
• the biggest Polish, cyclical and recognized among oriental circles “Orientalny Koktajl” oriental dance summer festival, promoting oriental dance (Warsaw 2010-2019)
• the biggest Polish open stage and oriental charity event (The 20th Great Finale of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity for Bemowo District, 2012), which raised record amount of 90 thousand zloty during six-hour show, and the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity Dance Theatre for Bemowo District, 2013