The Nadira festival, postponed from April 2020, took place in Cracow one week ago. I was invited for the second time as a star of Gala Show, juror and teacher.

Oriental Dreams is a delightful event in the convention of a three-days festival – competition, workshop with Stars, and Gala Show.
This year I had the pleasure of judging with Jamiliah (PL), Kiyija (LT/IT) and Violetta De Neef (BEL/RU). There were 137 competition presentation on a list. Even though not all participants menaged to dance at the competition we watched over hundred dances for 6 hours. This year many dances showed remarkable progress. Congratulations to all participants and I keep my fingesr croseed for your development.

For me it was a festival of two new shows, new workshops and two new costumes :). At the Gala Show I presented a choreography onspired by Golden Era which I taught at las year’s Oriental Dreams Festiwal. My stylized costume I owe to Daniel Okrasa and his design. Second choreography – Belly Samba Show was a collaboration piece with my great samba teacher Agnieszka Koś. The outfit on the other hand, was partly brazilian design, and partly polish by PM Costumes style.

I am grateful to Nadira and all the people who co-create this event with unique atmosphere. I remmend the festival with all my heart. It is made with passion and Nadira’s smile and positive emotions.